VesTallyToken’s 1st DAPP Initiative

VesTallyToken offers holders a voice in DAPP deployment.  Here you will find the detailed options for current proposals. Each option is a 6 to 12 month initiative, and each deployment will set the tone for how VTT grows!  Voting for these proposals will be available in the Dashboard Friday the 25th of February 2022.  The voting window will be 7 days long.  The option with the most votes at the close of the voting window will be enacted.

Option 1 – LaunchPad Deployment

Deploy a unique LaunchPad Dapp which will provide tiered whitelisting and employ ONLY KYC and Audited projects.  Holding VTT will unlock feature sets not available to standard LaunchPad users.

Dapp Steps

– Deploy LaunchPad Dapp

– Develop functionality with community input

– Test LaunchPad

– Go Live

Option 2 – BlockChain Deployment

Deploy a unique blockchain which will provide global governance & voting options.  Holding VTT will unlock feature sets not available to standard voting contract users.

Dapp Steps

– Deploy BlockChain & Publish public code

– Develop Stake and Authority with community input

– Test Governance

– Go Live

Option 3 – NFT Collectable Deployment

Deploy a unique NFT collectable with unique and creative story line. Holding VTT will unlock NFT creation and feature sets not available to standard NFT users.

Dapp Steps

– Deploy VTT based NFT marketplace

– Test NFT marketplace

– Go Live

About VesTally Token And Option 2

These DAPP options are not investment advice and are presented for informational purposes only. VesTallyToken and it’s owners are not investment advisors. Please consult a financial advisor to understand the risks involved before making any investments.