To buy VTT on PancakeSwap, you will need to have Binance Smart Chain (BNB) on a wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
1) Use this link to navigate to PancakeSwap (either on your wallet browser or normal browser)
2) It will ask you to import our token, which you have to check “I Understand” and then click import.
***ALWAYS ensure you’re using trusted and verified links and VTT contract address***
VesTallyToken Contract Address: 0xE34e3eDBc2964ac2B93034db83A9dc47A4E6E8Af
3) Enter the amount of BNB you want to swap, which will auto populate the amount of VTT you gain in return.
4) Set a slippage that you are comfortable with.
5) Click swap, read through your details, and confirm swap.
6) Congratulations! It will alert you that your transaction has been submitted and should give you an option to add VTT to your wallet.